The need and important of regular comprehensive medical check – up cannot be over – emphasised particularly for those above the age of 40years as a routine and those with UNRESOLVED UNCONTROLLED health condition to be able to enjoy good health as and longevity. These unresolved conditions to mention a few including. Diabetes, low and high blood pressure, health disease, obesity, tremors and fit, asthma, menstruation disorders and infertility, prostate enlargement and erection disorders, kidney colic, bladder or genito-urinary disorders, indigestion and abdominal disorders etc.
Questionnaire: to enumerate Age, Marital status etc.
- Family History: (Father, Mother, Brother, Sister(s)Wife or Husband if living or dead and precise cause of death).
- Medical History: of above mentioned health condition or others not stated above
- Obstetrics and Gynaecological History: (Women only) – Number of children, any miscarriage? Etc. Menarche and menopause etc.
- Lifestyle and social History: Alcoholic consumption, use of tobacco in any form (smoking, snuffing or chewing.
Complete Physical Examination/Radioscopy:Height, weight body mass index (BMI) abdominal circumference etc. General physical examination with systemic review viz:
- Nervous system: Reflexes (Deep and superficial) papillary reaction and optic fundi, tremors of finger or tongue etc.
- Cardiovascular system: pulse (rate and character), blood pressure, enlargement and murmur (sound) heart, swelling of legs (oedema) etc.
- Respiratory system: respiration – (frequency and character), respiratory sounds etc.
- Digestive system: oral hygiene, bowel sounds, enlargement of abdominal organs – liver, spleen, hernia orifices etc.
- Genitor – urinary system: swelling or sores in inguinal (upper thigh and groin) area, sighs of discharge etc.
- Muscular – skeletal: Bone and joint deformities – Hypnosis, scoliosis etc.
Labouratory Investigations:
- Blood tests: haematology (red and white blood cells), diabetic profile, hepatic (liver) profile, Renal (kidney) profile, cardiac (heart) profile, lipid profile – cholesterol etc.
- Stool test: ova and parasite occult blood, bacteria growth etc.
- Urine test: protein, sugar, parasite, bacteria growth etc.
- Sputum test: bacteria growth (including TB).
- Cancer screening: serum tumor markers – prostate specific antigar (PSA), pap’s smear test etc.
- HIV screening / Confirmation test.
Diagonistic Investigation:
- Ultrasonogsraphy: (a) obstetrics /gynaecology: breast masses, pelvic masses e.g fibroid, ovarian tumor (b) prostate scan: prostate enlargement and cancer etc. (c) chest scan: mass and fluid collection in the lungs (e) head and neck: thyroid mass etc.
- Electrocardiography (ECG): (a) unexplained chest pain or collapse (b) moderate/ severe hypertension etc.
- Spirometry: lung function test etc.
Medical Reports:
Including significant”positive” and “negative” findings, cardiovascular disease risk assessment, cancer (prostate, breast and cervical) risk assessment with recommendations.
Recommendations and Management:
These will be determined by the above result and may require further elaborate and invasive investigations to confirm some diagnosis. These include – radiology – mammography, endoscopy, CT- scanning, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), echo cardiograph and tissue biopsy etc.
Service Schedule at Qsh
Contact Us
38, Iya Olobe Street, Dugbe Alawo Ibadan Oyo State.
P.O Box 13223, Dugbe Ibadan Oyo State.
+234-803-3259-626, +234-02-2414447,