Regular and Comprehensive Medical Check-up:

The need and important of regular comprehensive medical check – up cannot be over – emphasised particularly for those above the age of 40years as a routine and those with UNRESOLVED UNCONTROLLED health condition to be able to enjoy good health as and longevity. These unresolved conditions to mention a few including. Diabetes, low and high blood pressure, health disease, obesity, tremors and fit, asthma, menstruation disorders and infertility, prostate enlargement and erection disorders, kidney colic, bladder or genito-urinary disorders, indigestion and abdominal disorders etc.

What are involved?


Questionnaire: to enumerate Age, Marital status etc.

  1. Family History: (Father, Mother, Brother, Sister(s)Wife or Husband if living or dead and precise cause of death).
  2. Medical History: of above mentioned health condition  or others not stated above
  3. Obstetrics and Gynaecological History: (Women only) – Number of children, any miscarriage? Etc. Menarche and menopause etc.
  4. Lifestyle and social History: Alcoholic consumption, use of tobacco in any form (smoking, snuffing or chewing.


Complete Physical Examination/Radioscopy:Height, weight body mass index (BMI) abdominal circumference etc. General physical examination with systemic review viz:

  1. Nervous system: Reflexes (Deep and superficial) papillary reaction and optic fundi, tremors of finger or tongue etc.
  2. Cardiovascular system: pulse (rate and character), blood pressure, enlargement and murmur (sound) heart, swelling of legs (oedema) etc.
  3. Respiratory system: respiration – (frequency and character), respiratory sounds etc.
  4. Digestive system: oral hygiene, bowel sounds, enlargement of abdominal organs – liver, spleen, hernia orifices etc.
  5. Genitor – urinary system: swelling or sores in inguinal (upper thigh and groin) area, sighs of discharge etc.
  6. Muscular – skeletal: Bone and joint deformities – Hypnosis, scoliosis etc.


Labouratory Investigations:

  1. Blood tests: haematology (red and white blood cells), diabetic profile, hepatic (liver) profile, Renal (kidney) profile, cardiac (heart) profile, lipid profile – cholesterol etc.
  2. Stool test: ova and parasite occult blood, bacteria growth etc.
  3. Urine test: protein, sugar, parasite, bacteria growth etc.
  4. Sputum test: bacteria growth (including TB).
  5. Cancer screening: serum tumor markers – prostate specific antigar (PSA), pap’s smear test etc.
  6. HIV screening / Confirmation test.


Diagonistic Investigation:

  1. Ultrasonogsraphy: (a) obstetrics /gynaecology: breast masses, pelvic masses e.g fibroid, ovarian tumor (b) prostate scan: prostate enlargement and cancer etc. (c) chest scan: mass and fluid collection in the lungs (e) head and neck: thyroid mass etc.
  2. Electrocardiography (ECG): (a) unexplained chest pain or collapse (b) moderate/ severe hypertension etc.
  3. Spirometry: lung function test etc.


Medical Reports:

Including significant”positive” and “negative” findings, cardiovascular disease risk assessment, cancer (prostate, breast and cervical) risk assessment with recommendations.


Recommendations and Management:

These will be determined by the above result and may require further elaborate and invasive investigations to confirm some diagnosis. These include – radiology – mammography, endoscopy, CT- scanning, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), echo cardiograph and tissue biopsy etc. 

Service Schedule at Qsh

Services Schedule:  
General clinics  |   Monday – sun | 8a.m – 4p.m
Doctors surgery | mon, wed, fri  | 10a.m – 6p.m
Gynaecology clinics | mon.–fri  | 8a.m – 4p.m
Antenatal clinics  | mon.,wed., fri. | 8a.m – 2p.m



Contact Us

Queen's Specialist Hospital:

38, Iya Olobe Street, Dugbe Alawo Ibadan Oyo State.

P.O Box 13223, Dugbe Ibadan Oyo State.



+234-803-3259-626, +234-02-2414447,


